
Your one stop shop for all tags, titles, and registration needs. Please call us

“ALL FLORIDA” has been serving the entire state for over 30                    years and our specialty is in the tagging & titling of vehicles throughout all counties in Florida. Our staff offers quality, reliable, efficient and prompt service. In addition, our friendly and professional staff is here to answer any questions you may have about our company, our services, or Florida’s statutes.

At “ALL FLORIDA” our goal is to provide you with courteous, expedient and professional service. SERVICE—SERVICE—SERVICE of the highest caliber, 52 weeks a year.

Browse our Website for more information about “ALL FLORIDA” . If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of our experienced agents regarding our tag & titling services, please email us at allfloridaliz@att.net

At “ALL FLORIDA” the customer always comes first.

To contact us:
LOCAL # 772-794-1573
FAX # 772-794-1743 



Prompt & Efficient Service

All Florida Auto Tags and Titles meets the out of state client needs by Registering Vehicles in Florida.